Sunday, March 1, 2009

Panasonic IP Camera

Here is a link with a little overview of the IP cameras that Panasonic is marketing. We are beginning to use IP cameras on new installations for my job....


  1. So basically, Little Brother is watching us.

    One of the biggest mistakes newbies make is assuming the net offers the kind of anonymity provided by large crowds or cities. The net makes it easy to blend in but it offers a wicked set of search tools that make it easy to blend
    you out. A while back, I found one of my co-workers in the lunch room tearing mailing labels off magazines. She was graciously supplementing the periodical selection with back
    issues from home. She carefully removed each mailing label in case some co-worker took an unwanted fancy. Made sense. Why make it easy on a stalker? I went back to my desk, launched my web browser, punched her name in at, and to her horror, emailed her her home address.

    Information wants to be free, but sometimes we don't want information to be THAT free. The pain-in-the-butt factor has, until recently, protected us from associates poking about our
    public records in the same manner a guest might poke through your bathroom medicine cabinet.

  2. BTW this Ian from "Badministrators"

  3. I will keep this ad in mind before I purchase my next IP “Eye in the Sky”. Maybe I can mount one in the shop break room that will allow me to see when the guys are goofing off and not working. I do not think I will be violating any expectation of privacy in a company break room.

  4. I need one of these at my job, i feel like i have to have 8 pairs of eyes and to be everywhere at once. i have thieves that prey on any weakness i have and a moments notice, i'm missing stuff. I don't believe in privacy at work unless it's a bathroom or something.

  5. Are these cameras any better than the ones being used to stores right now? We have a video system set up where I work, but it isn't posted at all the entrance doors. They are video cameras at the front door, gym door, and the 5th grade hallway door. It would be great to have them at every entrance in the hallway to see who may have entered our school. But people have a way of getting around cameras, and having something like this placed in the center of the ceiling and not a camera attached to a wall, would give more of a view. We do have people who make sure our school is safe and they come around to see if they can get into our school unnoticed. These cameras would definitely be a great help.
