Tuesday, February 24, 2009


  1. I enjoy seeing that spy camera. I use to work as a private investigator and have worked with the latest and most up to date cameras available. Now they are so tiny and can be placed into almost anything. Base ball cap, clock, pen etc. It was nice to view what some spy cameras use to look like..well before my time.

  2. I love learning and see different things dealing with spying and easedropping. It must have been the coolest thing since sliced bread back then. And to think 30$ was a weeks worth of paycheck is unbelieveable! I like the picture in how it compares its size to a cigarette pack.

  3. Who wouldn't want to be James Bond? He always had the coolest cars, tricks, moves, and the girls. He must have an STD by now. It's cool with making it the ciggarettes because everyone smoked back then, it was cool.

  4. This is thing is a super gadget, imagine all things that evolved from it? We have spy pens and all kind of crazy stuff. Although I don’t think that thing has a zoom-in mode so if anyone came up to me with that thing waving it in my face, 1950’s or not, I’d probably know something is up.

  5. Thats awesome. I couldn't really read what it said next to the pictures. But i was thinking "what did they come up with now? something that they hid in cig boxes? CRAZY!"

  6. Ya. Now they put cameras inside people to preform surgery. This tech is way out of date and I would like to see what spy's use today. If you took a spy from this era and put him in todays espionage game. He'd probably get caught quickly. This is a perfect example of how small all our tech has gotten.

  7. Spy technology is something that has changed for the better smaller, faster and better. Spies have been around forever and have used technology to their advantage.

  8. A camera in the shape of a pack of cigarettes! Reminds me of the old Get Smart show when agent 99 spoke on his shoe phone - speaker in the heal, microphone in the toe. These kinds of gadgets - real and imagined have been showing up in movies and TV shows for years an they're great.

  9. I think the most impressive fact about this camera is it cost an entire paycheck back then for technology that would cost next to nothing now. Cameras today still can cost a paycheck, but the advancements in what they produce are just quantum to what this camera can provide.

  10. The invention must have been a breakthrough for central government intelligence clsoe to 70 years aso. I am suprised that they could even be used as a spy technology and pass wqithout being detected. They seemed so large maybe because we are used to cell phone half that size with 4 megapixel cameras!

  11. It is amazing how much technology has changed over the last 60 to 70 years. what seemed like a marvel of invention in the 40's looks more like a bulky camera in today's world. I wonder how small spy cameras are now...

  12. The spy cam reminds me of the movie True Lies, with Arnold Schwartzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Tom Arnold. In the movie the camera is set up to transmit video from a pack of ciggerettes to his sun glasses. That technology seems high tech even for today's standards. Camera technology is impressive, but brings up the privacy issue which worries me. You could be being watched and not even know about it.

  13. Spy technology is interesting. The things they come up with are amazing. I can’t believe how high tech that spy technology is for its time. They went from having cameras fitting in cigarette boxes and now they have cameras that look like pins that go on your clothes. I can’t imagine what they will think of next.

  14. I undertand the concept but how do you explain an antenna coming out of your pack of cigarettes? It's funny though cause now they have cameras the size of pencil erasers or maybe even smaller.

  15. With spy cameras getting smaller and easier to hide, it definitely helps with acquiring important information from the enemy. It’s less dangerous than a mole, because the mole might get caught or if known, be passed along negative information to our military. The real issue is its potential use in civilian life. The Supreme Court has ruled that we have an implied right to privacy. This means nothing if we can be spied on by nosy neighbors. For instance, people are free to take cell phone videos. They can make no sound, so they can sneak a shot.

  16. This is a pretty neat invention for its time. I never knew that they used spy cameras in cigarette packs. It is however obvious that theres something more than just cigarettes in that pack, with the antenna popping out.

  17. this right here shows how technology has advanced. A spy camera the cize of a box of cigarettes. yes that is small but in my opinion not small enough to be unoticed

  18. The spy camera is very neat. To know that they were once the size of cigarette packs, and can now be put in the middle of your glasses is quite interesting. Private eyes are always in demand in this world, so to see the old cameras they used to use is very cool.

  19. Spy technology has advanced so much. I'm sure that we don't even know how far it really has advanced though or it wouldn't be used for spying. It's amazing to see that technology existed in later 1940's though.

  20. My girlfriend has a nanny cam her parents got her cause her ex was some sort of weirdo. Needless to say its still in the house. Theres nothing more romantic than spy technology

  21. What would happen if the people who were being spied on asked for a cigarette? They might be onto you if you whipped out a different pack. I would think that in the present day the camera is so small that it could be hidden in a cufflink or piece of jewelry. The storage for such a device might look like the Swiss Army knife from the Badministrators blog.

  22. Being a private investigator in the past I have had the opportunity to work with tiny undercover cameras and they are much better than the one shown here. That may have been great for its time but today we can place a tiny recorder in a base ball cap as well as within a pen.
