Saturday, March 21, 2009

Video Surveillance in Casinos

Video surveillance plays a key role within the gaming industry. In casinos, where the threat of criminal activity is as high as the stakes at the card table, it's important that facilities are properly monitored. The flow of people and money is constant, raising the risk of incident. But with the proper surveillance such worries are stifled, and the thrill and enjoyment of the gaming experience prevails.


  1. video surveillance is definatly a necessity in casinos! with all that money it certainly doesnt hurt to pay top dollar for the most expensive survaliance system there is.

  2. Casinos use video cameras for more than just the influx of money, it is used for their security. There are people who go to casinos, sit at a table and count cards. These people sit at blackjack tables and count cards to "win" money. Most people think counting cards is illegal, but it isn't. These card counters are watched on surveillance cameras and asked nicely by casino management to please leave. So video surveillance cameras are there for the benefit of all who enter there to play and the casino itself, not just for protection of criminal activity, but for card counters. Casino staff are able to keep a closer eye on people this way without letting on that they know something is not right.

  3. If you have ever seen the movie Oceans Eleven or Twelve then you know how important it is to have cameras in the casinos. I think its extremely important to have them because of all the money that is brought in and out of the building.

  4. This is probably one of the most important places to have security cameras, like every 6 inches. People put some of them in the stupidest places but the casinos definitely needs more.

  5. Casinos are volatile places. It is too easy for a pickpocket to abscond with your wallet. No casino wants the negative publicity of that. As for card counters, casinos rely on foolish people to come in. Intelligent people either know better than to gamble or play blackjack and count cards. It also keeps a strong eye on their dealers who may have been working for one of the players.

  6. I agree...this is an absolute necessity. I don't really think you can trust anyone in a casino. All they care about is winning money.

  7. Casinos absolutly have to have survailance...otherwise they would be robbed over and over again... If you have ever seen 21, where theres a group of people that get together and have a strategy to win everytime, casinos would be losing money all the time.

  8. Casinos definately need survaliance. In some movie i watched i dont rember they said there was survaliance that could even pick up on face recognition to tell if someone was cheating in black jack. I wonder if they really have survaliance like that.

  9. I instantly though of the movie 21 or Oceans 11 when I first saw this blog post. In these movies you saw the importance of these survaliance cameras. Theres probably hundreds of cameras watching every move that goes on in the casino. Without these survaliance cameras, the casinos would never be able to survive and would always be faced with all types of crimes.

  10. Yup. I agree. I go to AC quite a bit and you wouldn't believe some of the things you see there. Every inch of a casino needs to be recorded.

  11. AC is a dirty dirty place, with people doing really odd things. Surveillance is needed for our safety and the safety of the casino.

  12. This is a must, people do anything for a buck. If you leave a casino unguarded it would be like a country with no laws.

  13. I don’t see counting cards as cheating and therefore wrong. I’m not exactly a fan of casinos, I don’t understand gambling but I do know that my mom loves going over to Philly Park Racetrack. When she is playing the slot machines, she really gets “in the zone”. Her face could be on fire and she would ignore it to keep playing. Is she a gambling addict? I don’t know. I do know that I am glad they have so many cameras around because when you are in that state you’re not paying the kind of attention you should be paying to your surroundings. It would be very easy for someone to seal her purse.

  14. Surveillance in any casino is obviously a huge issue for security for both the casino and the patrons. Lots of money changes hands and is carried about the place so any technological advances in this medium is a good thing.

  15. The casinos do in fact need the security, but the funding for all of it should come out the corporations’ pocket. There is one movie where they have the face recognition to review the stress level, etc to see how true the reactions might be in case you had won the jackpot.

  16. The casino is definitely one place I agree with video surveillance. Without it the casinos would constantly be getting taken advantage of, and it also protects the customer. On private property surveillance is ok by me, but when it is on public streets and your always being watched, that’s another issue.

  17. one thing not mentioned here is that the casinos can only record video, not audio. that keeps it legal. I agree with cameras in casinos, and within any other private place of business. There does have to be monitoring of the use of the camera system however, and it has to be restricted by law makers to being solely for security of the institution. Using cameras like this for other purposes can potentially be dangerous to its customers.

  18. The films "21" and the Oceans trilogy document an extreme of some casino security and surveillance systems. Though they quite fictitious, as some of the systems portrayed can filter through the voice patterns of people, which was David just mentioned, is illegal to do.
