Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Privacy Issues At Bucks?

If you haven't noticed campus Mac computers now have a dialog box right above the log-in box pertaining privacy rights. The dialog box basically states that your sessions can be monitored via remote access. Before you can log on you have the agree to the terms. A teacher of mine has a problem with this because remote access can damage some programs running on the computer. But most importantly it ignores the student-teacher confidentiality. It's almost as if "Big Brother" is watching.

This isn't a serious problem however knowing your activity can be monitored from another computer by somebody you don't know can be a little alarming.


  1. I think that they need to modify this problem. It's fine if they want to monitor where you go, but they shouldnt be able to see everything you do. Im all for taking away privacy laws to protect us, but this has gone too far!

  2. enough is enough are we aloud to do anything without being watched. We have gone to far, i for one think that I'm capable of doing things on my own, I'm not a little kid. I'm not a big fan of this at all.

  3. Privacy at a public place like a libary or school is important. I dont want kids wasting my tax dollars going on social network sites and other wasteful sites while they should be doing school work and learning. Kids need to be protected at all times until they are adults.

  4. Funny thing is it is very LEGAL for the college to do this because of the fact your using the college's technology, that you pay for your right to use not own. The only time someone watches exactly what you are doing if it is reported that you are doing something bad. this is only on the mac's not PC's, they have limited controls to stop anything bad happening.

  5. While I don’t agree with this practice, I guess it is fair. If you are going to use the school’s computer you have to be will to be watched. The first thought is to ask, is this any different that a store monitoring your movements but the difference is a video can monitor your actions while what you type as in email and whatnot is much more intimate because those are your thoughts. I guess no one like being spied on but when something goes wrong sometimes people are grateful. You would probably be pretty upset if you found out someone was using a school computer for unlawful actions.

  6. Interesting post. However, I think this practice is more appropriate for a high school than a college. Adults are either going to do what's right and ethical, or they're not. I don't think extra monitoring makes a difference in that regard. Instead, it just frustrates people.

  7. If someone does not want to be watched or monitored then they should conduct their business in the privacy of their ownn home and on their own computer.

  8. I agree with Kim M, privacy is a personal issue and everyone should do their part to protect eachother. Locking and logging off your computers are two ways you can do so. With people losing their jobs and the economy being so poor people will do anything to still your personal info and make an easy buck.

  9. I dont think this is all that crazy. I dont particularly like it, but you are useing the schools computers. Like someone else said you pay to have use of the comoputer not own it. The owner has the right to set the rules. Im sure they dont use it to just randomly check up on people its to insure the computers are being used properly to make sure they can keep them working correctly as long as possible so that they can supply public computers for us all to use.

  10. I don't think this is a huge deal. I mean these aren't your own computers, so if you go on a certain websites, it may generate annoying pop-ups or a virus. If you have a big problem with the privacy thing then bring your own computer. It is weird that someone you dont know can see everything you do on the computer. It really is like big brother.

  11. The computers at Bucks are private property. As unnerving as the monitor system can be, it's the schools right to look in. At work most employers can see your desktop and everything you do on your computer, from another computer. It's their legal right but it may not be ethical.

  12. Yes the computers at bucks are part of private property. But the issue extends far more than bucks. Some of you might of heard of a Youtube username “sxephil” he does daily videos on somewhat current events, pg-13 stuff. Anyway he was on the NBC network about how Google has the authority to track the IP address of your computer when you are using a Google app. Crazy huh!?

  13. This is just ridiculous. I never go on the computers at bucks. I can sort of understand why they do it, they are in fact, private property. They do have the right to do it, its just kind of sick that they do. Thats why I generally use only home computers, mostly my own or my boyfriends. I dont like the idea of being monitored or watched, its ridiculous.

  14. I agree that BCCC has the right to monitor what goes on in their school. If the computers are used for school business and not personal business then there should be no problems

  15. Hate to break it to you but what you do on your home computer is constantly watched too. My brother got a letter from his cable provider telling him that they were going to shut off his cable if he did not stop downloading movies off the internet. How did they know? Obviously someone is watching.

  16. You pay a fee to use those machines, so therefore the provide of said service has the right to impose almost any limitation on that machine, as well as protect their equipment by monitoring where said user goes. There is no staff wandering around watching your back, so they have to cover their backs in case a student goes some where or does something illegal, that the user is responsible, not the college.

  17. Soon we will be watched even in our sleep. I agree with Andrew even our own computers at home are being watched. On the other hand at schools and colleges I understand because there are students that do take advantage and do things in the computer that really has nothing to do with their school work. It also happens at work, people at work are being watched as well because some employee does not know when to draw the line.

  18. I don't care if bucks people see what i am doing on their computer and neither should anyone else because there is no reason anyone should be doing anything that should alarm anyone

  19. it is big brother and his name is bucks
    but its not only here

  20. I think the school should monitor use on the computers. Its an ideal situation for both students and the school. What do you do on a school computer that you are afraid of them seeing? By monitoring use, they can use the information gathered to improve the computers to match more of what the students need. And, after all, it is THEIR hardware that you are using, so you should expect them to cover themselves from any possible misuse.

  21. well in respect, this is not an open inivtqtion for these people to surveillance your work or internet browsing but only a legal escape from violating discretion if sued in corut for monitoring our usage for work studies. IF they went beyond that goal and snoped around furtgher we may have acase. The law is still valid and does protect our rights!
