Sunday, March 22, 2009

Different ways to spy on someone....

It's almost amazing how much technology has advanced. When you go on this website you will see all the different ways to spy on someone. Its actually pretty creepy! Never know who might be watching!!


  1. I see this going with the man who wants to have his fake eye be a camera. I find it amazing how technology has been able to fit the recording ability into such small devices, but its also extremely negative. I think only the government should have access to this type of camera.

  2. This grosses me out and freaks me out all at the same time. Is this necessary?? Never in my life would i let someone put something in my eye. It does amaze me how small devices are getting though and the things that they are compatible with.

  3. This is creepy, not to mention crazy. People who do these kinds of things have too much time on their hands.

  4. Wow, that stuff creeps me out and makes me want to look around my house and make sure none of the normal everyday things are actually camra's! Who really needs to spy on people that badly? I mean i can understand if you think someone is stealing from you, you put one where the item(s) are, but if you have it JUST to look at what people are doing, your a real creep!

  5. Its quite amazing the length someone will go to, to spy on someone... There was an ad that popped up on me the other day, to spy on someone cell phone, knowing who their contacts were receiving every SMS that they do and also intercepting there phone calls.

  6. WOW. This site is crazy. I didnt know there was such a markt for spy cameras for them to have all of these different options of ways to hide it. Some people are crazy. Its definatly crazy though how they can fit recording equipment in such a small location

  7. This is really weird, but I could see where it could have some good use. For example, say that a police officer were going undercover and wanted to catch everything on tape, he could simply put one of those pens in his shirt pocket poking out just enough so that the lens was exposed. Also I think this is a good way to spy on a babysitter thats taking care of your kids. You never know whats going on when someone else is watching your kids and this could be a good way.

  8. Scary stuff to be sure. How many landlords have placed recording devices in apartments that they are renting? Just another example of what happens when good things get into the wrong hands.

  9. now i'm really scared!
    we have enough with big brother watching now my neighbors too? where will it end? i'm going home right now to pull down the shades.

  10. There are a number of reasons why a person might want to spy on someone. One of the most obvious reasons is to find out if someone is cheating on them. They may wonder where money is being spent or if someone is using drugs. Whether they have altruistic motives to help that person or they re trying to protect their own interests, there are many ways to spy. For others there is no time to spy on others. I can’t believe there are so many different ways to spy on someone. I think this would be one where I believe that the advances in technology will always have pros and cons. Some people can spy for protection or to hurt others.

  11. Spying is sometimes essential, like Margarita said. What if you think someone is cheating, all i would do is try my best to figure it out any way i could.

  12. Technology is surprisingly advanced top the point where it may violate certain freedoms. At a past job i felt violated of my privacy where they had audio pick ups all throughout the restaurant and nothing was truly confidential. Well it is always good to know if someone is cheating on you. And cameras have become ever so small. Its ridiculous. I just hope i never get caught or don't have to be the one to catch someone else!!
