Friday, March 20, 2009

Traffic Cameras

Traffic cameras are an innovative and extremely functional use of video surveillance technology. You've seen their footage during traffic reports on the TV news. They're atop traffic signals and placed along busy roads, and at busy intersections of the highway. Whether they're recording traffic patterns for future study and observation or monitoring traffic and issuing tickets for moving violations, traffic cameras are an explosively popular form of video surveillance.


  1. I Hate Traffic Cameras, with a passion. If you have ever been on the roosevelt blvd people don;t even move on a yellow light anymore or your a smigen over the line it flashes.

  2. i see traffic cameras more and more. although it sucks because you can get a ticket without actually knowing your getting one.. its the best way to moniter traffic.

  3. Oh the traffic camera. I am not in the habit of running red lights, so I believe these cameras are great. However, sometimes when you're tired and just want to get home and you think "I can make this yellow light," they're not such a good thing. There aren't many of these cameras around in this area, but they will help definitely help townships and cities make some money. I do like the blinking white ligts that sit on the poll of the traffic lights. These lights blink when an emergency vehicle is approaching an intersection. The lights for all traffic turn red, except for the light in which the vehicle has to travel through. It reduces accidents between emergency vehicles and other vehicles. After all, we are in an age where people have stopped pulling off to the side of the road to let an emergency vehicle pass. When see one think of this: they could going to help someone you know and love, so pull over and let them pass!

  4. Traffic cameras might be annoying, but they are essential. We definitely need them because of all the busy intersections in this area. After all, don't they say traffic accidents are more likely to occur close to home?

  5. These are a very good invention, although it has greatly pissed me off in the past week. I got a 100 dollar ticket for going through a red light on grant and the boulevard. Apparently, it doesnt matter if one set of the lights is green and the other is red, your getting a ticket either way.

  6. Grrrr... I hate these things and believe that it's one of the worst inventions created. I feel as if it's a police officers job to catch us in the act of doing something wrong, but now we have to be aware of these cameras too. Luckily in the suburbs we don't have to worry about this as much, but for all those city drivers, beware!

  7. i have a lot of nice photos of my car thanks to these damn things. they are good in some ways like on the Rosavelt Blv. but when they sick em everywere it burns me up.

  8. I hate these cameras also, especially if it's going to give me a ticket.

    They remind me of the electronic umpire they tried in baseball to determine balls and strikes. It took the human element out of the game.

    Same thing applies for traffic violations. It should be a case to case basis... or at least that's what my biased opinion thinks. :p

  9. i love this......cause this is how people who drive recklessly get cause. then i'm free to drive safely

  10. While everyone talks about big brother watching all the time..I believe that the traffic camera are essential with the busy intersection and the numerous motorist who want to run the red lights.

  11. I think traffic cameras are a good idea. I know when I’m driving and someone almost hits me, speeds by, or goes through a red light, I always think I wish there was a cop around to give them a ticket.

  12. (Chris Eustace) Traffic lights are a good invention. This keeps everyone aware of what they are doing while driving.

  13. I HATE THESE!! i have owed the city of philadelphia 300 dollars because of these! Its not all fair. These cameras detect a car going through the light but can not tell if it was a mistake or hoe far they had entered past the line. I failed to stop my brakes once and stuck my nose out into the intersection. I reveresed back into my spot to only realize i had been flashed and a ticket was sent to me. I had to fight it and eventually had to pay a portion but the inconvenience of having to fight the ticket was still there. It was due to a technology that has not been fully advanced. I know that people get wrongly flashed alot because i drive down the Boulevard in Philadelphia many times. Its unfortunate that a technology that is not fully advanced to be accurate is already taking charge. I just hope they dont add them to ever intersection anytime soon.

  14. I remember the days when Roosevelt Blvd used to be much more perilously to drive on. I hate people that speed on the blvd. If you are in a hurry take 95, the blvd. So in that sense traffic camera seem like a good thing. With as broke as this city (Philadelphia), with is a good way to make money. Utilizing a traffic camera is cheaper than having a cop sit at an intersection. Then again, I haven’t gotten a ticket from one so maybe I’d change my mind.

  15. These cameras really make people second guess their activity at traffic lights. While I don't think all tickets are fair, it's hard to argue your point when you have cold hard evidence suggesting you made a violation.

  16. In my opinion traffic cameras are part of a socialistic body. And they serve as just another way to rob the common citizen of money. There have been issues on these things malfunctioning and many have been turned down. There have been instances in my family where there was a funeral and supposedly the traffic violation should not be counted, but nevertheless the police dept. gets their pay and are not willing to give it away.

  17. There are more and more traffic cameras going up all over the place. I think that it is a good thing. I witnessed an accident where one guy ran a red light and crashed into somebody else. I ended up giving a statment and because there was a traffic camera i didnt have to go to court. Saved my dad.
