Monday, March 30, 2009

The Future of Surveillance


  1. This video was a little odd. People's privacy is compromised all the time, but video cameras every where you look, probable not. They do have comaeras on some of the streets in Philadelphia, which I think is good. It can give people some feeling of safety knowing that the police are watching. Less crime will happen that way. Does it invade someone's privacy, that is a good question. It's not in the privacy of your home and it's on the streets to prevent crime, so it's not a bad thing, as long as it's used for the right purpose.

  2. My first question when viewing this video was, who is monitoring the cameras and why. The video depicted that no one goes out in public out of fear, but fear from what? The intention of the cameras is to be able to identify and apprehend a felon. If a person isn’t doing anything illegal, then why worry about the cameras, they were put there to keep one safe. However, if the cameras were being monitored by say, the Gestapo, or in a communist country, then I can understand the paranoia.

  3. Being a conspiracy theorist (not really, but let me be one now), this is already happening. They just aren't acting on anything, because they are still testing it.

    This new surveillance will make everyone upstanding citizens, and poor practices would be dropped. To live free can often be to live dangerously.

    Overall, I consider this to be a good thing. Most people wouldn't mind the cameras at all. Just don't screw up and do something stupid. Remember, everything in that world is immediately uploaded to "YouTube".

  4. our privacy is going right out the window

  5. Its a good video that brings in a few good points such as the lose of freedom and sacrifice if surveillance technology goes out of control!
