Sunday, March 22, 2009

Video camera in his EYE BALL!!!!

Rob Spence looks you straight in the eye when he talks. So it's a little unnerving to imagine that soon one of his hazel-green eyes will have a tiny wireless video camera in it that records your every move.

The eye he's considering replacing is not a working one -- it's a prosthetic eye he's worn for several years. Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker, is not content with having one blind eye. He wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic, giving him the ability to make movies wherever he is, all the time, just by looking around.


  1. I see this as being illegal in many ways. The number one thing is invasion of privacy. I am not sure about all of the legal rights when it comes to video taping someone without their knowledge, but I know it has to be illegal. It sounds like an interesting idea!

  2. The idea of a camera eye is rather foolish and a waste of money. What practical use is there other than turning it on during a crime? It is good to let someone know where you were as an alibi, but that is about it. There is little reason for people to be concerned about privacy. There are numerous cameras already in public areas. Other people can already see you. It will be assumed that he does not intend to break into any homes or anything like that.

  3. I pretty much agree. I do not really see the point of it either. I understand he wants to see out of both eyes, but that is a different story. I know I sure wouldn't be too happy unknowingly being taped and uploaded to the web, no matter how innocent. I understand we are being taped all the time in certain places, but that is for reasons of security and that is disclosed. But just some guy taping you without you being able to tell is kind of disturbing.

  4. I think the camera eye is great. If this guy wants to make a movie of everything he sees then he should be able to. Celbrities get fallowed around all the time and even get in accidents because of this. It would be interesting to see what he makes of everyday life if people dont know he has a camera for an eye.

  5. Thats actually pretty cool...but also kind of wierd at the same time. I can understand it from his perspective, since he is a can help him get ideas and remember them later on. I say if you have the money to spend, blow it on whatever the hell you want.

  6. I think it is a crazy idea that this guy wants to put a video camera in where his eye once was. That's some serious cosmetic surgery.

  7. This is intense. Thats crazy but like someone said in one of their coments i think this would have to be illegal in some way. All in all its still intense that this guy wants to do that.

  8. Steve Gudknecht here - Whew! My eye hurts. The social impact is interesting here. Blind people want to see, now there's a special interest group with an axe to grind. Then there's the privacy issue. It seems the recording aspect of this gadget could be disabled before installation. That may resolve the issue.

  9. That's really crazy. It's a little freaky to that people like him could be doing teh same thing and recording everything they see.

  10. this makes no sense to me.why do this?
    i think its a strange thing to have or even want

  11. It would really suck for the audience if he had ADD.

    I don’t really see (lulz xD) what everyone is all up in arms about with privacy. I speak without fear of contradiction that the majority of the posters on here have profiles on a major social networking site where they upload photos of themselves getting drunk/posing in front of a mirror/on vacation with groups of friends/ or a combination of all three. People, in a grand gesture of histrionic narcissism, list things they like/watch/consume as a way of defining themselves as a substitute for critical self examination on a daily, even hourly basis (see Twitter). These lists are then processed by marketing execs (such as myself) in order to sell you MORE things you like.

    Nothing is private.

    I welcome the Robot Eye. I want a real life Truman Show.

    Also I want that Robot Eye to shoot lasers.

  12. I do not agree with this at all. There is no need to have a recorder in an eye.

  13. Interesting piece! Wow a real six million dollar man. Maybe there is a great chance that the blind will be able to see. It sounds spooky though knowing that if this succeeds that there might be people spying on others. I guess like everything else there will be pros and cons.

  14. It's a cool technology for sure. Legals issues might come about as others have mentioned, but its a nice idea to pursue. Maybe in the future, blind people might have the chance to see again with video camera technology.

  15. I think that this is a great idea, but breaks many laws while doing so. It's basically taking away privacy rights of people. FOr instance, if he has a girlfriend, he could post the videos on the computer without even her knowing hes videotaping!

  16. Crazy idea, the guy is dedicated to videotaping. Many people are going to be a little uneasy around this dude.

  17. Just when you think you heard it all. This isn't something i would ever want but hey if he wasn't it why not. I do see some issues concerning privacy issues but hey we have that problem now. I say go for it.

  18. This will spark controversy and they will have to pass ethical and constitutional muster as far as I am concerned.

  19. when you think about it, our brains record what we see in the form of memories. if we were to unlock the full power of the brain, our natural eyes would be considered video cameras. I dont think this should be illegal, and i find it to be neat practice from a science perspective. We are moving closer and closer to becoming true cyborgs, and eventually this technology will be like the zach morris cell phone and people will gawk and its crudeness.
