Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Privacy Issues At Bucks?

If you haven't noticed campus Mac computers now have a dialog box right above the log-in box pertaining privacy rights. The dialog box basically states that your sessions can be monitored via remote access. Before you can log on you have the agree to the terms. A teacher of mine has a problem with this because remote access can damage some programs running on the computer. But most importantly it ignores the student-teacher confidentiality. It's almost as if "Big Brother" is watching.

This isn't a serious problem however knowing your activity can be monitored from another computer by somebody you don't know can be a little alarming.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Panasonic NVR

Here is a link to some information on Network Video Recorders....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Video camera in his EYE BALL!!!!

Rob Spence looks you straight in the eye when he talks. So it's a little unnerving to imagine that soon one of his hazel-green eyes will have a tiny wireless video camera in it that records your every move.

The eye he's considering replacing is not a working one -- it's a prosthetic eye he's worn for several years. Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker, is not content with having one blind eye. He wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic, giving him the ability to make movies wherever he is, all the time, just by looking around.

Different ways to spy on someone....

It's almost amazing how much technology has advanced. When you go on this website you will see all the different ways to spy on someone. Its actually pretty creepy! Never know who might be watching!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Video Surveillance in Casinos

Video surveillance plays a key role within the gaming industry. In casinos, where the threat of criminal activity is as high as the stakes at the card table, it's important that facilities are properly monitored. The flow of people and money is constant, raising the risk of incident. But with the proper surveillance such worries are stifled, and the thrill and enjoyment of the gaming experience prevails.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Traffic Cameras

Traffic cameras are an innovative and extremely functional use of video surveillance technology. You've seen their footage during traffic reports on the TV news. They're atop traffic signals and placed along busy roads, and at busy intersections of the highway. Whether they're recording traffic patterns for future study and observation or monitoring traffic and issuing tickets for moving violations, traffic cameras are an explosively popular form of video surveillance.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Panasonic IP Camera

Here is a link with a little overview of the IP cameras that Panasonic is marketing. We are beginning to use IP cameras on new installations for my job....