Sunday, February 1, 2009

I looked up the first survaillance camera and i came up with this... i think this may be the one's still used to old 7/11's.


  1. This does remsemble the one's that are still used at local conveince stores. I do not think it matters how old the equipement is because it is still doing the job and monitoring the store. Those small stores do not need the latest technology because they are small and the area is covered by this one machine.

  2. I think I have seen those at 7/11's and on television shows/movies when they show security gaurds sitting in a room drinking coffe with their feet up, not paying attention to the cameras!

  3. I agree with Stacy. The television monitors aren't very useful if no one is monitoring them.

  4. Survallince like this is still used but if it gets the job done like robin said small convenience stores dont need the most hitech survallince cameras. There are some crazy survalliance cameras out there now a days but there are also even simpler ones. You can even buy fake ones at stores like radioshack just to intimidat people so they think they are being taped but they really arent.

  5. The video surveillance equipment shown in Melissa's post does have a place for video tape, so even if the tv screen isn't being monitored 24/7 by the guy with his feet up drinking coffee, the tape is recording the crook, thus can be used to apprehend the criminal and prove in a court of law that he/she was indeed the bandit. I don't think it matters how outdated the equipment is, as long as it gets the job done--in this case, jail time.

  6. The equipment in the picture is outdated, but still used today. We have the same type in the school where I work. It has VHS tapes. It is split in four parts, monitoring the front door, fith grade hallway. ect. It does the job, they can see who is coming into the building and it is video taped. All doors are locked, but to have the extra security surveillance is definitely a plus.

  7. I agree this equipment is completely outdated and technology as greatly advanced in the area in camera systems and there capabilities.

  8. We have a similar one where I work and it does the job. We don't pay anyone to sit around hoping for a bandit, but when the bandit does strike we have everything on video tape. It makes all of our jobs easier, we just hand over the tape for that day to the local police department and in a few days they end up catching the bandit. No need to upgrade it when it does the job!

  9. This piece of equipment is very outdated compared to the systems that many people use now. However, if it serves its purpose of watching what everyone is doing, then I see no point in spending an insane amount of money on a newer system, especially if you are in a small store or office

  10. I use security cameras at my job and I am glad that I do not have anything outdated as that lol. Security cameras have come so far. Going from analog to digital was a big boost in quality. Good picture though. It is pretty accurate.

  11. Pretty neat to see that was the first security camera. Not a bad debut! While it is outdated, for a primitive model it got the job done for sure. Thats the image of the typical security camera I think of in general, surprised it was the first though!

  12. It may be outdated but it is pretty much the same as technology used everywhere. The upgrade from that is digital and the only difference might be that you don’t have to deal with VHS tape. But still, I think the digital camera isn’t all that impressive the zoom option is there but the picture is completely distorted once zoomed.

  13. The first security camera is a pretty interesting thing to research. You would think that a camera that just points at a stationary spot would be hard to improve upon, but the advancements that have been added i'm sure are pretty great from its raw beginnings.

  14. Toys are not like the toys from before when I was growing up. With the advances in technology toys are becoming more and more realistic, looking like the real thing. A lot of toys are great to help children to learn. But because as Joe states with today’s technology the children do not know how to use their imagination. They do have an imagination but do not know how to use it. What for? The creativity and imagination is already there for them. When I was growing up we had to be creative and use our imagination to make toys my parents could not afford and we had to create games to play with other kids in the neighborhood. Kids now a day all they want is expensive toys, toys that isolate them from family time and they do not like to go out much like a kid should. Most of the time they are in the house or another person’s house inactive with video games or any games that do not require much creative thinking or movement.

  15. It easy to have an noncredible witness, but having video is pretty hard to argue against something that happens before your eyes. Survailence is useful as evidence to punish the guilty & also to prevent. People tend to act differetnly on camera

  16. Classic. That is the same camera I would act like a goofball in and watch myself on the monitor in the store near the register! I also agree that its all they need to handle their surveilance needs being such a small area.

  17. This is on the topic of surveillance cameras. Radio Shack in Doylestown was recently robbed. When police asked for surveillance the owner explained that its surveillance cameras were not real... DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? Haha Doesn't RadioShack SELL surveillance cameras? So silly.

  18. The first security camera... I can remember when they were bulky and big. Obvious to spot, not really secretive. Now you really don’t know where they are, most are now hidden or really small. Only thing is that you would think that with today’s technology the picture would be a little better. (I refer to bank surveillance camera pictures of robbers; you can hardly make them out.)
