Monday, April 20, 2009

Domino's Employees Facing Charges

As some of you might have heard already two employees at Domino's Pizza filmed themselves tampering with customers food and put it on the internet. The video was found, they were fired, and now face federal charges.

The video showed the two rubbing boogers and spitting on sandwiches. He would be dumb enough to put this on the internet? Their paying the price for their stupidity now.

This incident proves that the internet and smaller, affordable recording devices are putting the owners themselves under surveillance. People put information on the web that can get them into trouble and don't think anything of it. Maybe you don't need to spend a fortune on surveillance equipment if your a business owner; your dumb employees will film themselves in the act.

Here's the link to a news report if you haven't seen the original video...

Monday, April 13, 2009


2020: The future of surveillance
Imagine a world where …- every single one of your activities outside your home was monitored on closed-circuit cameras- your computer’s ip address was fixed, allowing anyone to track your activity and making your computer a hot property for thieves wanting to hide their identity- all monetary currency has disappeared and your electronic transactions are all tracked, unless you pay extra to "scrub" your transaction- you will be required by law to wear an identity transponder at all times so that you can be readily identified- your insurance company is able to monitor the groceries you buy and what you consume in a restaurant in order to charge higher rates to subscribers who eat junk foodsThese are just some of the predictions forecast in DM News by Robert Gellman, a Washington-based privacy and information policy consultant and former chief counsel to the U.S. House subcommittee on information, justice, transportation and agriculture.2020 is just 13 years away – how close are we to living in the world that Gellman predicts?
The Future of Surveillance
At a gas station in Coquitlam, British Columbia, two employees installed a camera in the ceiling in front of an ATM machine. They recorded thousands of people as they typed in their PIN numbers. Combined with a false front on the ATM that recorded account numbers from the cards, the pair was able to steal millions before they were caught.
In at least 14 Kinko's copy shops in New York City, Juju Jiang installed keystroke loggers on the rentable computers. For over a year he eavesdropped on people, capturing more than 450 user names and passwords, and using them to access and open bank accounts online.
A lot has been written about the dangers of increased government surveillance, but we also need to be aware of the potential for more pedestrian forms of surveillance. A combination of forces -- the miniaturization of surveillance technologies, the falling price of digital storage, the increased power of computer programs to sort through all of this data -- means that surveillance abilities that used to be limited to governments are now, or soon will be, in the hands of everyone.
Some uses of surveillance are benign. Fine restaurants sometimes have cameras in their dining rooms so the chef can watch diners as they eat their creations. Telephone help desks sometimes record customer conversations in order to help train their employees.
Other uses are less benign. Some employers monitor the computer use of their employees, including use of company machines on personal time. A company is selling an e-mail greeting card that surreptiously installs spyware on the recipient's computer. Some libraries keep records of what books people check out, and Amazon keeps records of what books people browse on their website.
And, as we've seen, some uses are criminal.
This trend will continue in the years ahead, because technology will continue to improve. Cameras will become even smaller and more inconspicuous. Imaging technology will be able to pick up even smaller details, and will be increasingly able to "see" through walls and other barriers. And computers will be able to process this information better. Today, cameras are just mindlessly watching and recording, but eventually sensors will be able to identify people. Photo IDs are just temporary; eventually no one will have to ask you for an ID because they'll already know who you are. Walk into a store, and you'll be identified. Sit down at a computer, and you'll be identified. I don't know if the technology will be face recognition, DNA sniffing, or something else entirely. I don't know if this future is ten or twenty years out -- but eventually it will work often enough and be cheap enough for mass-market use. (Remember, in marketing, even a technology with a high error rate can be good enough.)
The upshot of this is that you should consider the possibility, albeit remote, that you are being observed whenever you're out in public. Assume that all public Internet terminals are being eavesdropped on; either don't use them or don't care. Assume that cameras are watching and recording you as you walk down the street. (In some cities, they probably are.) Assume that surveillance technologies that were science fiction ten years ago are now mass-market.
This loss of privacy is an important change to society. It means that we will leave an even wider audit trail through our lives than we do now. And it's not only a matter of making sure this audit trail is accessed only by "legitimate" parties: an employer, the government, etc. Once data is collected, it can be compiled, cross-indexed, and sold; it can be used for all sorts of purposes. (In the U.S., data about you is not owned by you. It is owned by the person or company that collected it.) It can be accessed both legitimately and illegitimately. And it can persist for your entire life. David Brin got a lot of things wrong in his book The Transparent Society. But this part he got right.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Privacy Issues At Bucks?

If you haven't noticed campus Mac computers now have a dialog box right above the log-in box pertaining privacy rights. The dialog box basically states that your sessions can be monitored via remote access. Before you can log on you have the agree to the terms. A teacher of mine has a problem with this because remote access can damage some programs running on the computer. But most importantly it ignores the student-teacher confidentiality. It's almost as if "Big Brother" is watching.

This isn't a serious problem however knowing your activity can be monitored from another computer by somebody you don't know can be a little alarming.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Panasonic NVR

Here is a link to some information on Network Video Recorders....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Video camera in his EYE BALL!!!!

Rob Spence looks you straight in the eye when he talks. So it's a little unnerving to imagine that soon one of his hazel-green eyes will have a tiny wireless video camera in it that records your every move.

The eye he's considering replacing is not a working one -- it's a prosthetic eye he's worn for several years. Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker, is not content with having one blind eye. He wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic, giving him the ability to make movies wherever he is, all the time, just by looking around.