Monday, April 20, 2009

Domino's Employees Facing Charges

As some of you might have heard already two employees at Domino's Pizza filmed themselves tampering with customers food and put it on the internet. The video was found, they were fired, and now face federal charges.

The video showed the two rubbing boogers and spitting on sandwiches. He would be dumb enough to put this on the internet? Their paying the price for their stupidity now.

This incident proves that the internet and smaller, affordable recording devices are putting the owners themselves under surveillance. People put information on the web that can get them into trouble and don't think anything of it. Maybe you don't need to spend a fortune on surveillance equipment if your a business owner; your dumb employees will film themselves in the act.

Here's the link to a news report if you haven't seen the original video...


  1. Technology is dangerous in the hands of stupid people but thankfully it is usually to the stupid people themselves. Do something stupid, record it, post it for all to see and go to jail.

  2. This was absolutely disgusting, I didnt watch the video because I didnt want to be too grossed out. however, my business teacher was telling us about this. It makes you think about the food you get and the employees you hire. How dumb are they and how mature are they?

  3. I worked in the food business for 7 years...3 of them at a nursing home and the other 4 at Fridays- trust me most normal people do not do that! I have seen some pretty gross videos of what some places do, but for the most part that is not done! If you complain about your food most people will not spit in it!! The worse thing I heard my manager say was make the soup so hot that she burns her mouth! lol, so don't complain about the soup being cold!

  4. Ha Ha this is great! This is technology at its best. I for one never complain about my food, never. You never know what happens in the kitchen or who is in the kitchen. These kids are idiots and deserve this.

  5. That's hilarious! wow, i work in fast food and we would never thing of doing something like that. i mean we videotape ourselves signing and dancing in the backm, which could get us fired, but nothing that bad.

  6. Those former employees are idiots. Who came up with the idea to post this on the Internet? The Internet is a free place that anyone can access. Not to mention that nothing on the Internet ever goes away. At least they don't work there anymore; they must have hated their time there.

    Anyone here ever here of Myspace? A number of stupid criminals admit their crimes here. How dumb can you get? These people deserve to be on "World's Dumbest Criminals"

  7. Theres this show called busted on the job that shows all type of survaliance with situations like this one. It really makes it hard for me to ever want to eat out. I have worked at fast food places before and ive seen some things like this go down before its gross people are gross.

  8. The real issue is the stupidity of the people involved. Anyone who posts offensive material on the web while thinking they'll not be noticed, is foolish. It's freightening to think just how many people don't get this for some reason. The social commentary here is that these cameras may reveal nt just our actions but our limited mental capacity as well.

  9. ew, I always knew there was a reason why I didn't like dominos! Technology can be dangerous. People always have to be careful what they are putting on the internet no matter what job they have. Sometime you even have to be careful what you say on myspace or facebook just in case your boss see's it. Ugh, that's what scares me about eating out!

  10. I think these kids have seen “Waiting” too many times. I’m sure if I were the one eating this food I would have totally different opinion but its kind of funny. The funny part is not they are idiots, or even that they messed with people’s food but that they still think the internet affords them anonymity. What they get charged with?

  11. i saw this the other day...its gross. These two should never be able to get another job anywhere ever.

  12. What those employees did was disgusting and with the combination of their stupidity and technology allowing them to post their stunt, they’ll pay the price. However on a more serious note, I might feel different about the situation if they hadn’t been the ones to post the video. Surveillance and privacy issues are sure to arise due to technology.

  13. Thank god for technology and now that these idiots are behind bars, it is much safer now. Without technology, things like this will go unoticed.

  14. I work for a company that sells Point of Sale terminals to pizza places and we also have the option of installing a camera system. I'm still surprised at how few stores actually get one, but when I speak with those who DO have it I find out how much they like having it in their store. The ability to watch your employees while not having to spend time standing around in your shop is a big plus and can catch idiots like this.

  15. Those two did could not think of what would happen if they get caught because they are idiots. I love Dominoes but ever since the news I have not order from any pizza place now either I make my own or a friend of the family invites us to eat pizza that she makes. We can be thankful for technology because idiots like them can be caught.

  16. Many of us have worked in food, and know that this will happen, but rarly. Most people, on average get food poisoning numerous times a year which usua;;y only results in a small belly ache or reach for some immodium.

  17. Again, self publishers have the responsibility to self edit themselves.

    WHY would someone spread this out on the internet?

  18. this is why i don't eat at fast food places

  19. Stupid is as stupid does.... They deserve to have charges pressed aganst them. I think it is great when people do stupid things and then do something to get themselves caught.

  20. Dumb...that's all I can say. What on earth would posess you not only to mess with someone elses food but then to put it on the internet. These kids probably hate their jobs because a majority of them are underpaid so instead of trying to better themselves and get a better job, they feel the need to potentially poison individuals and then laugh about it. I sound like an old person but I just dont understand what these kids are thinking these days.

  21. Absolutely ridiculous how moronic these people were who filmed themselves defiling people's food that had been ordered. I think its great they got caught and punished.

  22. Well this is quite discusting! i would never eat at dominoes anyway becuase of the grease that they out in their food and the horrible calories from carbs because this pizza is 90% bread. I Hate dominoes already and this just further proves my suggestion...Dont eat at dominoes. However youtube is a very popular website and the internet is so vast that things do get around very quickly. Im sure a dominoes employee of another state saw this video and in discust took it their responsibility to inform a supervisor and help in tracking down the culprits. Well the moral is...the internet is a superhighway of informationa nd everyone is connected!

  23. You see more and more of this now a days. I remember not too long ago watching america\s dumbest criminals and some kids were filming themselves (faces and all) as they drove around LA shooting at people with paintball guns. They all did hard time. All you can really do is laugh at stupidity!

  24. ewwww... Thinking about what people are doing to my food is my worst fear. I worked at a diner for a few years back in the day and trust me I know what happens back in the kitchen and its not pretty. It's great to finally see someone get caught in the act though. Hopefully they can start montioring this more and catch other people like this.

  25. This is a disturbing trend, as a similar thing happened several years ago at a Pizza Hut in Richboro. In that incident, several workers were defecating into the pizza sauce, and got away with it for some time. Eventually, there were complaints and it was shut down by health authorities. What a shame too that young punks like these ruin the reputation of generally decent establishments.
